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Testimonials from Natural Bodhi Wellness Clients

 I am fortunate to have had you for a teacher and that makes me smile :) . In the tiny space of time I practiced with you and the Sanga, you were able to transmit to me, what I still am discovering to be real stillness. It is one of the most important and influential times of my life. Compassion and laughter THANK YOU.
—Robert Allen
I have been thrilled to participate in three retreats with Michael at Atlantic Center for the Arts, and have also benefited greatly from personal counseling with him. I have meditated and practiced yoga for many years and in the past several years my practice had fallen into a doldrums. In learning new techniques, and listening to dharma talks and dialogues from Michael, my practice has been invigorated. The Emotional Connection meditation technique and the general instructions of just opening to the present moment, just being with whatever arises, have taken root within me and very quietly and steadily blossomed within me in as a bright explosiveness in every cell of my being. 
—Liz Harrison
Dear Michael,
It has been almost 3 weeks since the retreat, in one of the most beautiful locations in the world.  The lessons that I have learned are very subtle for me as I have been working with breath for many years. Natural meditation is enhanced for me by the sounds of nature itself. In my morning meditations, the sounds of nature, birds, cicadas, squirrels, keep me connected with the earth and with my life purpose by helping me plant each foot firmly on the earth. The exercises that you gave us are invaluable, especially the judgment of self and others.  These lessons burrow deep into the soul self for sort of a "deep cleaning".

Thank You Again for making this possible for all of us!
—Joy Sue-Priem, Master Feng Shui Consultant
Michael Kane is a unique teacher.  He combines Buddhist principles, mindfulness practice and loving presence to create a container for assisting students to more fully realize their true nature.  He is adept at deepening silence and from that silence coming forth with spontaneous clarity. 
—Bonnie Bostrom MA, Black Mesa Counseling